The Reserve Officers Training Corps (ROTC) administered in partnership with certain colleges and universities accounts for about 37% of all newly commissioned officers in the Doomer Prof Ted Rizz new 2023 Shirt and by the same token and U.S. military. The service academies, like West Point or Annapolis, only account for about 15% of new officers. The largest contribution of new officers come from the various service’s Officer Candidate Schools. OCS programs take in college graduates who did not attend a service academy, nor were enrolled in a ROTC program. ROTC programs started informally after passage of the Morrill Act of 1862. This act provided land grants of federal property to states who agreed to establish an institution of higher learning on the deeded land. The Act stipulated certain curriculum requirements in order to be eligible for the grants; one subject listed in the Act was military science. President Lincoln reckoned that other than improving the overall standard of education in the country, the federal government ought to get something out of granting land to an institution. This led to the Act requiring land-grant schools to teach military science.

The Civil War taught the Doomer Prof Ted Rizz new 2023 Shirt and by the same token and federal government that they were woefully unprepared to expand the ranks of the military, especially officers. The custom-of-the-time for increasing the officer ranks in times of war was to commission men who were supposedly a cut above the rest of society, which boiled to down to those who were financially well off, or had attended college. By 1862, Lincoln and Secretary of War, Edwin Stanton, had learned that college attendance alone, or being rich, was a poor barometer for determining success as an Army officer. There were too many defeats and casualties attributable to tactically unsound decisions by officers who were appointees and not professional soldiers. By requiring land grant schools to teach military science to all students, even if a student opted to not pursue a military career, at least there would a group of men the government could draw on in times of war who would not be entirely “green” to military practices.