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Best Eagles Phillies P Italia Shirt 2023

Writer's picture: Nbnpremium StoreNbnpremium Store

Any one of the following symptoms have been related to me (from my students) as the first inkling of something wrong and led them to the diagnosis of Type II diabetes: All of these are signs that your body is unable to convert the sugars and starches that you eat into a sort of bio-fuel that the cells in the body can use to heal, put on weight and give you energy. These sugars stay in your body but they body can’t use it so it has one way to get it out of the body – urine. The sugar in the blood triggers thirst so that enough fluids are taken in to flush the sugars through the kidneys and out in the urine. Before easy home blood sugar testing was available, a diabetic’s urine was tested for the sugars that ‘spilled’ into the urine ( believe it or not this was discovered in the Middle Ages). Your body is still hungry so you eat more but get no benefit from the food and you get very tired. If you have an injury your body’s cells don’t have the energy or the materials to repair it . If a bacteria invades your body, the sugar in the blood will feed it. Thus the bacteria are growing faster than the healing can take place. Lastly the high sugar in the blood will take as much fluid from other parts of the body damaging them and their function. You eyeball is one of those places since it is lined with tiny blood vessels and filled with fluid.


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