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Nbnpremium - Awesome the disco biscuits wantagh ny june 16 & 17 2023 shirt

With the Awesome the disco biscuits wantagh ny june 16 & 17 2023 shirt and by the same token and advent of reality based programming (which is really high emotional storytelling, and mostly fabricated by ratings hungry producers), the major networks realized they could generate far greater incomes by using some of the same techniques. So, as ratings went up, so did profits. Money is the real motivation. If you search, you can find recent hidden camera interviews with producers and executives of CNN where they blatantly admit “it’s only about the money and ratings. We know Trump didn’t collude with Russia, but we’re going to push it anyway. Truth isn’t necessary, it’s all about ratings and dollars.”

But mostly, it’s all about making money. And as we’re seeing, you can make more money by publishing hateful, untrue stories about Trump, or which Kardashian had a nose ring installed on her pet ferret, against the Awesome the disco biscuits wantagh ny june 16 & 17 2023 shirt and by the same token and wishes of her maid’s baby-daddy. As a test, try comparing CNN to CNN International. It’s interesting to see how Much more neutral International is. Seems to be more real reporting and less emotional, less politicized and far more factual. I’m exhausted from all the political lambasting on all the US networks, left and right.

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