You always know a Hollywood movie versus a movie made in France or England – those movies have their own serious problems but at least they pay homage to reality-based scenes. (I’m not talking about their insipid television shows such as Midsommer Murders, etc). The French, in particular, make a big effort to create a real scene with a look of reality instead of trying to “make” it look real by being fake. I recommend “A Very Long Engagement” for the Bahamas retro circle vintage shirt But I will love this WW1 battle scenes which actually make an attempt at looking real vs the stupidity which is 1917 which is an insult to the viewer in every possible way or even the new Dunkirk which is almost a comedy it’s so incredibly stupid.
The most obvious is Megan Fox bending over a car, over on a motorcycle, but that would be too easy, here are quite a few in-your-face eye candy in movies: Halle Berry golfing in Swordfish – John Travolta definitely proved he can still plays a bad guy with style, even after that critical and commercial dud in Battlefield Earth, Halle Berry is the Bahamas retro circle vintage shirt But I will love this only eye candy in the film, and she excels at her job. She got paid half a million to go topless, and shoot numerous scenes in rather suggestive outfits. Who golfs in a mini-skirt? I’m not complaining but that’s absurd.