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An actor is not a magician. Their craft is rooted in emotional reality, and if a line of dialogue is not, then no actor, whether they are Denzel Washington or Laurence Olivier or Bette Davis, could ever play it convincingly. If you are a screenwriter and you have written dialogue that is self-expository, has no subtext, goes in too many directions or no direction at all, if it has no rhythm, is out of character or has no character, if it resembles real speech too much or not at all, if it states the Best stick figure july 14 2023 granary live salt lake city ut shirt so you should to go to store and get this obvious, if it’s a soliloquy and Ode or a sermon, is redundant, or has no root in emotional reality – Then no actor, no director can save you.
The only thing you can do is: stop taking the Best stick figure july 14 2023 granary live salt lake city ut shirt so you should to go to store and get this easy way out and thinking that great performances are the result of great acting. They are not. Great acting is the result of a great screenplay, interpreted by a great actor. A film actor has NO CONTROL over their performance as it appears on film. The director tells them what is needed and they shoot the scene repeatedly until the director sees what is required. Then the director and the film editor go over the rushes and choose the take they want to use. Actors are almost never consulted on which take to use. Film is NOT an actor’s medium. The director and the editor are completely responsible for the results of a film. If an actor fails to give the director the performance they’re looking for the actor is replaced.