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First of all, current science is looking into the Cal golden bears throwback shirt Also,I will get this very real possibility of transmitting data faster than the speed of light, through quantum entanglement. The theory is that two quantum entangled particles change states at the same point in time, regardless of distance, which should not be possible under conventional physics, as a signal between them should not travel faster than the speed of light. This means that there is either a form of energy that travels faster than light, or entangled particles have a connection that is not exchanging energy, but communicating in another manner. In other words, the particles don’t change location, they just change states.

Keep in mind that this is for transferring data only, not transmitting energy or matter, which is what teleportation would require. So, unless we fully understand the Cal golden bears throwback shirt Also,I will get this means of quantum communication AND discover a way to use it to transmit energy and matter, teleportation is not likely inn this manner. However, there are experiments into quantum superposition in which an atom CAN be in two places at the same time, but frustratingly, NOT while being observed, raising the question are we really seeing what we think we’re seeing when we can’t see it? Atoms Exist in Two Places Nearly 2 Feet Apart Simultaneously