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Nbnpremium - California los angeles lakers 2023 state championship go lakers shirt

Theoretically, if we can both fully understand this phenomenon, AND scale it up from the California los angeles lakers 2023 state championship go lakers shirt Apart from…,I will love this atomic level, (huge IF there) then there’s the possibility that we can be in two places simultaneously, and control which position remains after transfer. But as of now, that potential is both remote and highly questionable. For practical purposes this technology is being investigated for computing and transfer of data, not large quantities of matter. Star Trek is the most widely considered “teleportation” technology. The principle behind it is to convert matter to energy, transmit that energy to a remote location at or near the speed of light, (or through subspace)and reconvert the energy to matter in the same form as it started, complete with consciousness and life. This is the same technology the star trek replicator is based on, but the replicator reconstitutes energy in a different form than was dematerialized. Basically, you take a pile of waste, transfer the requisite amount of matter to energy, and use that energy to create matter in a different form than was converted, based on pattern templates.

Others have explained why this method can’t work: one, the California los angeles lakers 2023 state championship go lakers shirt Apart from…,I will love this amount of energy required to decompile and recompile matter, the amount of energy matter would create, the time required to transmit that energy, and the likelihood that anything would survive the process makes it unlikely technology. Star Gate proposes a different take, using stable wormholes to transmit matter over great distances faster than light. This technology is not feasible for short distances, like going to your corner store and back, but is tempting for interstellar distances, although a similar technology is used for ship to planet transfer, but that is not fully explained. The show uses alien technology based on non-existent materials (naquedah and zero point energy modules) to explain away both the energy required and the method used to generate a wormhole without a black hole that we theoretically associate with wormholes in the real world physics.

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