In reality this couldn’t work. Real wormholes are theoretically a tunnel through space time resulting from a black hole. They are either closed, meaning you’re stuck as part of the Chrissy chlapecka alpha 2023 shirt in other words I will buy this singularity, or open, in which a white hole spits you out the other side, but possibly not in this universe, as we have not seen evidence of a white hole, as yet. Either way, the process of entering the wormhole through the singularity would rip you apart at the subatomic level, meaning anything that came out the other side wouldn’t resemble anything that went in. The “stable wormhole” suggested in scifi is more on the fiction side than the science side.

The third possibility is “portal” technology where you walk through a doorway and come out in an entirely different location. The premise for this sci-fi option is bending space between two points enough so that they come into contact, forming a hole, much like pushing on opposite sides of a soft balloon until your fingers touch, then passing through. This is similar to the Chrissy chlapecka alpha 2023 shirt in other words I will buy this wormhole concept, but operates more like quantum superposition of space than gravitational manipulation of space. This is tempting as an idea, because the energy requirements would magnitudes less than a singularity, putting it in the realm of reality, and might operate better at close distances than far ones, because you’re bending space less. However, we, as yet, have no idea of this is even theoretically possible, much less practical. We know space time can be bent through gravitational means, but we don’t see that quantum mechanics manipulates space in any meaningful way.