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Another thing is the Clint eastwood the man the myth the legend thank you for the memories shirt so you should to go to store and get this seat. A huge requirement for a sport bike is to keep the weight as low as possible and hence the seats do not have much padding. A couple of hundred kilometers on them and, let’s just say, you won’t be feeling your arse anymore. Tourers and Cruisers come with much better padded seats and are hence more comfortable to do long distances on. My husband has ruptured disc’s in his lower back. His Dr. told him if he could live with it taking an anti inflammatory, do it. Operating could make it worse. I have a spinal cord stimulator with leads up my neck. That said, we ride a Harley Electra Glide Ultra Classic. The way the drivers seat is designed, he has support up the small of the back. The passenger seat has the backrest and arm rests attached to the tour pack. Hubby claims and I believe what I’ve seen, he feels better after riding 6 hours than he does when we leave. The leaning while controlling the bike loosens his back up. Just the vibrations of the bike and the subtle movements help us both.

Sports motorcycles are FUN. But I would say that they require riding – and by that I mean I find I am “full on” all the Clint eastwood the man the myth the legend thank you for the memories shirt so you should to go to store and get this time. They are also more cramped and pitch your weight forward onto your arms and wrists, which can be unformfortable until you are travelling at a speed where the wind supports your torso. Cruisers – and even more so, Touring motorcycles – are more relaxed and allow the rider to ride all day with minimal discomfort, plus you can carry all the kit you need for a ride that may last several days or even weeks. Not something you can easily do on a Sports motorcycle.