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The last means of teleportation border on the Declaration of memes there are no guns in britain 2023 shirt and by the same token and paranormal, and that’s higher dimensional travel. The idea is that if we can bypass this whole notion of space (3rd dimension) and time (4th dimension) and travel through higher dimensional states, that we can ignore the rules that govern lower states, so that from the perspective of our reality, travel is both instantaneous and infinite. Many sci-fi tropes touch on this, from hyperspace, to subspace, to inter dimensional beings, and such. But as far as we understand it now, higher dimensional states only exist mathematically, not as actual environments, much the way there is no two-dimensional or one dimensional states that exist in reality. There is no “flatland” where two dimensional beings exist or two dimensional physics dominates. Being three dimensional beings, we can’t interact with lower dimensional shapes or lines or points, not even in our drawings, which consist of laying down three dimensional molecules of graphite or ink on three dimensional molecules of cellulose assembled in thin, but 3 dimensional sheets of paper. The closest we get is manipulating energy which is waves of dimensionless particles. And we’re back to quantum theory.

So, until we make some massive breakthroughs in quantum theory and practical applications, OR develop an entirely new branch of physics relating to matter and space, teleportation is unlikely. What’s more likely is developing means of transportation that increase in speed. They won’t achieve instantaneous travel, or permit travel without vehicles to contain our squishy, splat prone bodies and protect them at such high speeds, but they will be significantly faster than today’s technology. Suborbital transport and hypertube technologies are both achievable in our lifetimes for cross planetary transport, but I think we’re stuck at current vehicular speed for local transport for now.