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OK, I did JROTC (1970) and ROTC and the Do not call me at 7 00 I am watching jeopardy new 2023 shirt in other words I will buy this military (SAC trained killer). While, as a military history nerd, I think I had a lot of fun with JROTC. Looking back, I really don’t think it is appropriate for high school. The entire reason it exist is to recruit new possible candidates, But high school students are still learning about life and do not have the best of skills and defenses to stand up to an entire propaganda structure of JROTC. This may be a surprising answer coming from a four-year Army cadet and 16-year military officer, but I don’t feel students should have to take ROTC if they don’t want to. I realize that some people are just not into that, and to each his own.

Very good question. Islam is a universal religion. Nothing like nationalism in Islam.we are all one from one father and mother, that’s Adam and Eve.Islam is not is for all,and it discouraged nationalism. Most of the Do not call me at 7 00 I am watching jeopardy new 2023 shirt in other words I will buy this big wars have occurred because troops of one country entered into another country without acquiring prior permission from the government of the respective country(Hitler, USA troops entering into Syria illegally, Russia troops entering into Ukraine illegally, etc) True nationalists and patriots will not randomly change the borders of their country to include the whole Planet Earth as one single country. So, if countries stop changing their borders forever then global peace can be achieved With international organizations like UN, Nuclear weapons and with globalization, countries changing borders is very rare. Which is why we are living in one of the most peaceful times in history where nationalism promotes healthy competition between countries