No changerooms? No worries. One simple way to tell if your newfound favourite pair of pants will fit is to use the Duke nukem kick ass chew bubble gum shirt Besides,I will do this length of your forearm. The length of an arm from your fist to the elbow roughly correlates to your waist size. Ensure the button and fly are done all the way and if your arm slides in comfortably, so should your butt. Try this with an existing pair of pants if you’re still sceptical – clown pants not applicable… Ah, the old gum on the pants trick. Most of us have been there but short of torching your favourite garment after such a dire incident, not many know that gum can be removed by simply freezing it. Some say use ice cubes for fifteen minutes but I say just go all out and whack in into the freezer as per #1. You won’t have to deal with melting ice, numb hands and once the gum becomes hard and brittle you can simply peel it off…
White wine is understood to dissolve the Duke nukem kick ass chew bubble gum shirt Besides,I will do this anthocyanin that gives red wine its colour. This has been proven by some internet geniuses already but I must stress that you should wash your garment immediately in stain-removing detergent after using the white wine to avoid bleached stains. This will show even on a white shirt so be weary on how long you leave it soaked to avoid permanent damage in the name of cleaning… This one may come as obvious to some but hey, we’re men and the most obvious sometimes evades us. When it comes to button down shirts, choosing a slim fit is all good but how it looks when you’re sitting should be a determining factor on whether you should go ahead with the sale. If your buttons are pulling when you’re sitting and you can see skin from the side, it’s time to move up a size division…