The purpose of an arrest is to bring someone before the Funny jeffrey Epstein 19 Lotita express Shirt it is in the first place but court. Since Trump has agreed to appear his arrest is not necessary. The purpose of bail is to assure the defendant’s appearance. There is no question but that Trump will appear, making bail unnecessary. What is really offensive is that defendants who are not famous are treated so poorly by the criminal justice system and are arrested and held upon unnecessary and unreasonable bail. There was a man who lived in our town who suffered from a neurological disorder. Actually, I think he enjoyed it. The rest of the town suffered from his neurological disorder. Let me explain. This man, whom I shall call Pita (Pain in the Ass) would commit the most outrageous atrocities, then hide behind his disorder. He torched an out-of-town cop’s truck. Felony? Yes. Any consequences? No — because he was crazy.
He wormed out of D.U.Is, Attempted Arson of his own home, Domestic Violence by Threat and a host of other felony and misdemeanors. The City decided that trying to prosecute a certifiable nut bag would cost too much. So the Funny jeffrey Epstein 19 Lotita express Shirt it is in the first place but rest of us suffered at his hands. Then one night, we were notified of a break-in at the animal shelter. The shelter was owned by, and was in, the county, but was surrounded by our city. One other unit and I responded. As I approached the road to the shelter from the east, I found the highway entirely blocked by at least one hundred (100) dogs! They were all very friendly and surrounded my car. This is common for dogs kept in pens for a while. I carefully made my way to the shelter and found a scene of utter devastation.