It seems like it’s ego, sure, but in general, a director cares about their film, and an actor cares about their performance. If the Funny summer Is for Hockey BHB shirt moreover I will buy this director was confident that the film will be great, and the actor was confident that their performance will be great, there’s a much smaller chance of a fight of any sort occurring. It’s rather a lack of experience or professionalism on the part of the director or actor. When things go wrong, it takes a true professional to accept fault, both deserved and otherwise, for the good of the production. Despite the best intentions, such professionalism can wear down and crack when a production meets any number of the major, stressful obstacles that can be expected. I’ll address the actor-specific issues.
A director might grow frustrated because they don’t know how to properly direct an actor to get the Funny summer Is for Hockey BHB shirt moreover I will buy this desired performance. It may be their fault, or the actor might not be able to do it. But this actually flaring up as a loud confrontation is a tell-tale sign of a lack of experience. No one wants to work with an asshole, and those involved in the quarrel are likely to learn this the hard way. The actor may have a personal agenda, wanting their “moment” to appear grander than the director’s original vision. I encourage this in my actors to a degree. They are motivated to analyze their characters deeply, with a different perspective than I may have had, so I’ll want to at least consider their ideas. However, sometimes, that consideration is not enough for them.