Begin with these breadcrumbs, they will help to see that it isn’t so crazy after all to consider that your current reality might just be HLS as described above! P.S. What makes you so sure I’m Sharan Gala and not a dev on the I survived alex volkov singing shirt In addition,I will do this HLS team here to mess around with you? Have you conducted elaborate scientific experiments before you came to your supposedly informed conclusion? P.S.S. Why do you think that “if life is an illusion” – then that automatically means you can make it “as I want it to be”? Big logical jump there my fellow human! A better way of putting it might be to say everything is truth and illusion at the same time, as we live as minds in a simultaneously objective and subjective universe.
When The Matrix first came out, people were wowed by not only the I survived alex volkov singing shirt In addition,I will do this groundbreaking action sequences, but also the philosophical grandeur and metaphysical implications of the movie. We asked ourselves: What if we are all living in a dream? What if reality exists only in our minds? Are we like the prisoners in Plato’s cave, witnesses to only an approximation of reality? Perhaps there is a bigger and deeper ‘truth’ beyond what we know. Morpheus: That you are a slave, Neo. Like everyone else you were born into bondage, born into a prison that you cannot smell or taste or touch. A prison for your mind. I’m not saying we’re all slaves to some evil overlords who have intentionally pulled wool over our eyes. However, like inhabitants of The Matrix, we are also living in a created reality. The key difference is that in the matrix, reality is created by the machines. In our lives, our reality is created by ourselves. Based on our beliefs about the world and about ourselves, we create our own responses, our own experiences, our own realities, and therefore our own lives.