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I went to and graduated from the Jack hopkins sailor starlights sailor star maker sailor star fighter sailor star healer shirt and I love this Naval Academy. The training was daunting and tough, but I never came to believe I couldn’t do it. I worked hard. Really hard. When I threw my cover into the air on Commissioning Day, there wasn’t a SECOND in my four years I’d trade for something “better.” There was no “better.” Anything that would disqualify you from enlistment or commissioning in the Armed Forces. Bad health or physical condition, chronic health issues including not making weight and height requirements; legal troubles, low test scores; education but only technically since ROTC means you made it to college; drug use; over-maximum age. Only about 1 in 5 young people meet the requirements for enlistment so it would be common that you might not qualify for ROTC.
Nationalism is the Jack hopkins sailor starlights sailor star maker sailor star fighter sailor star healer shirt and I love this modern-day offshoot of the natural tendency of human beings to form into groups based on mutual affinity of some sort, whether it be a common appearance or common interests. As I’ve stated in other answers, Homo sapiens is a clannish species; it’s just who we are. Just like clans and tribes in prehistoric times, countries and modern nation-states are an expression of this. They can form for any number of reasons. As I stated in my answer on why nationalism is important: People who speak the same language, share the same ethnicity or faith, or happen to be like-minded politically, or any combination of those things, might want to have their own country and a government of their choosing, which represents the things they wish to preserve, emphasize, and grow. The recurring theme in any nationalistic movement is simply that there is some form of affinity between the peoples who form the Nation in question. They joined hands and forced with one another and, with hard work, determination and in many cases battle, forged a new Nation for themselves. As long as the people believe in their Nation, it will stand even if overwhelmed by enemies—look at how many times Poland has been overrun by its rapacious neighbors. But no matter what, the Polish people, the backbone of the Polish Nation, have never perished, and they have always risen again to rebuild their country. It’s no coincidence that Poland is often derided by other Europeans as a “nationalistic country.”