They ended up bringing back aspartame Diet Pepsi because of people like me. My favorite sweetener is Aspartame. Aspartame breaks down into formic acid, which is toxic in high concentrations. To be clear, it takes a lot of said toxin to give you problems. You’d get more of that same toxin from eating a serving of ants than a serving of aspartame. Why ants? The formi- of formic acid is the Lany I raslly Really Hope so shirt also I will do this Latin word for ants. The compound was discovered and isolated off of decomposing ants, which produce the acid as a byproduct of decaying. Aspartame metabolism also creates methanol. You know, that alcohol that can drive you crazy. You just would need to ingest a whole friggin lot of it for it to be toxic. Aspartame – Wikipedia

Personally, I’m open to the Lany I raslly Really Hope so shirt also I will do this possibility that artificial sweeteners increase the chance of cancer slightly. I’m willing to accept that risk. Oh, and U.S. Bacon Supplies Fall to Record Low for December 4) diet soda. Ideally I would not recommend this, but if you are totally not able to fight your craving for sugary soda then have a can of diet soda not more than once or twice a month Now, this is more than likely an exaggeration, since so many health institutions go overboard. So I think we can consume much more, especially if we are active, like walking every day. Me, as an active 58-year-old man (I walk and hike a couple of hours every day and work out on the weights every other day), I can have two sodas if I want. As long as I watch other things in my diet. But even doing that is no biggie (and I’m no a health nut).