Manuel has great advice. One thing that has served me well for over 50 years making shirts for everyone from Disney to my company is to keep a sketchbook with you at all times. Draw for no reason, focus on composition. Save this notebook. When I started my company, my sketchbook in college provided a lot of easy-to-use clip art to get creative, and this comes in handy when you have a creative mind. Find out how valuable different color modes are. The indexer is an indispensable tool for matching colors in a design, then matching the Law and order special pigeons unit shirt in contrast I will get this colors and taking the palette down to how many colors you can print in the press.
Find a local printer and work for it. Expensive equipment. Learn silkscreen printing. There are more techniques involved in a print than you can imagine. Knowing how to print press helps you design the Law and order special pigeons unit shirt in contrast I will get this possibilities of journalism. Screen printing is not a printing method where you take pictures and print them. More mastering techniques need to be done in Illustrator and Photoshop to get good separation. Get the Illustrator WOW book and the Photoshop WOW book. Tutorials are indispensable in both programs. See Thomas Trimingham in Screen Printing or Impression Magazine for tips on printing and separating. There are also many programs where you can input designs and automatically receive drawings. Doing this manually will give you better separation as not all artwork is the same.