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Think about this: every adult knows that smoking is bad for you. Despite this, there are millions of adults around the Megadeth 40th anniversary 1983 2023 thank you for the memories signatures shirt it is in the first place but world who smoke regardless of the consequences. It’s because they have a dopamine problem. They literally can’t stop because they’ve wired their brain to seek out the “reward” which is in this case, smoking. They’ve latched part of their motivation to buying and smoking cigarettes. A main reason why I personally believe a lot of people have a problem with procrastination is because of the prevalence of what I call “red herrings” in our society. Do you have a backlog of things that need to be done because you didn’t invest the time and energy to do them? Or can you actually afford to rest because you’ve already put in the work?

It takes self-discipline. And it’s hard to practice self-discipline. But once you have it, once you have this background of self-control – you begin to become the Megadeth 40th anniversary 1983 2023 thank you for the memories signatures shirt it is in the first place but master instead of the servant. At that point, you don’t “need” external motivation. You are already internally motivated because you have a background of hard work and good habits in your arsenal. Cravings for junk food don’t faze you. Being tired after work to go to the gym doesn’t faze you. Not getting approval from others doesn’t faze you. You become someone who is extremely hard to throw off their game. That’s one way I’ve found to overcome laziness. I’m sure there are others, but we need to watch out for these red herrings and constantly ask ourselves: is what I’m doing now going to make me look back at the end of the day and think to myself “that was a waste of time and energy”?