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They are different sports. American football (as you’ve noticed) is played in short bursts, lasting only a few seconds. This requires short bursts of explosive speed and power, repeated at regular intervals over a three-hour period. To say that one is healthy and the New heights merch new heights kelce jam jason and travis shirt besides I will buy this other is not is a misunderstanding of physical condition. As a sports marathon runner? Correct. Are weightlifters healthy? Also have. But they are very different types of athletes. Rugby players are NOT allowed to slide over their shoulders and if they do and touch an opponent’s head that’s an immediate red card, meaning they’re sent off for the duration of the game! The NHL player must be a great skater, but he must also be able to skate at 100% speed for his entire shift, lasting an average of 50 seconds. NHL teams often use 4 strikers so a player only has about 2 minutes of rest between halves. Think about it – what other sport requires you to run at 100% in less than 1 minute? Player reaches 100% in 5 to 10 seconds; players run at 100% speed most of the time, just occasionally. Basketball players rarely reach 100% speed.

Therefore, the New heights merch new heights kelce jam jason and travis shirt besides I will buy this physical requirements for hockey are completely different from those of other sports. A hockey player has to compete at the top for longer than most other athletes. There are some similarities to boxing, but boxers do 3-minute rounds with 1-minute rest between rounds. Hockey is faster, more emotional, requires more skill from each player, and is generally a better sport than American football. I’m American. I really like football, but I grew up in northern Minnesota to watch hockey. And I love hockey. The question for me is why not everyone prefers hockey to football. Unlike Canadians (and Swedes, Russians, Finns, etc.), most Americans had little exposure to the game of hockey in their youth. If we did, it would be a hugely popular sport in the United States. Most Americans don’t understand it, it’s hard to understand it fully by watching it on TV because it really doesn’t benefit the medium and if most people just watch it in the NHL it provides a good picture. distorted picture.

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