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TDD also guarantees high “code coverage” (the New York Giants Leonard Johnson Cornerback Signed shirt Apart from…,I will love this percentage of your production code that is covered by tests). Although I’m not personally a fan of measuring coverage anything other than a way to identify gaps (see Rob Fletcher’s answer to What kinds of code coverage you are using in unit testing?) having high coverage is definitely good. TDD works by having you start with a failing test – something simple, a pathological case (for example, bad inputs) or the simplest possible scenario. You then write enough implementation to satisfy that test (and only that test). You shouldn’t be thinking too much ahead and second guessing yourself – YAGNI
” the New York Giants Leonard Johnson Cornerback Signed shirt Apart from…,I will love this code. That is you change it until you’re happy with how it looks, performs, reads, etc. You do this without changing the behavior as observed by the test and while keeping the test in a passing state. On a side note, “refactoring” is a frequently misused word – it does not mean making changes to your system’s behavior, that’s just called “changing” it. The cycle is typified by the mantra “red… green… refactor…” the red being a newly added failing test and so on. I’d add to that an emphasis on ensuring the test is catching the correct problem and providing you with sufficient information to identify what’s happening if it regresses later.