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As for child molesters and kiddie porn offenders. they all go to various facilities and all go into the No step on snek shirt in addition I really love this SOMP (sex offender management program) . They do not go into general population ) and they usually go to one of a handful of low-medium level facilities that have treatment programs and are housed with similar offenders. Larry Nasser, the now infamous Doctor of the US Gymnastics Team was recently sent to Coleman which is a little unusual. I think this is because there was so much public outrage and no one really wants to see Larry Nassar make it out of prison in one piece. The FEDS have a nickname for them “chomos”, as they are referred, would be killed in general population otherwise. As for them ( Im really glad to report this update) there is a new law that says that even though you may have served your complete sentence as a child molester, the FEDS do not have to release you if they feel you are still a threat to society. As this is a mental disease, most child molesters will admit if released, they will re-offend so unless they go through castration ( this can be surgical or with drugs ) they will not be released. If they are released, their supervision is very intense and they are on probation what the feds call “supervised release” , for the rest of their lives
Now for the No step on snek shirt in addition I really love this lucky, white-collar criminals. They get to go to one of about 12 different federal “camps” which really are camps! Believe it or not, a federal camp does not have any fencing around it. You are a prisoner in your own mind. You can walk off if you want….but they will find you and you will get hit with an escape charge and you will get 3–5 years added to your sentence and you will do the rest of your time and a medium custody FCI which is pretty hard time….not nearly as bad as a Pen. though, but bad enough. No reason to run away from a camp…some even have a very, very small 30 person movie theater (with popcorn) and an area to drive golf balls if you dont mind going to pick them up when your done.