Well it’s a toss up between the Official Larry bird graphic shirt and I will buy this ones with the most realistic plots where he fought spies, terrorists, and drug dealers with no end of the world scenarios, outlandish super weapons, or really out there things like stolen nuclear weapons. I agree with others here, that the most plausible ones are “From Russia With Love” and “For Your Eyes Only”. Bond gets the secret decoding device and the girl(s) but has to fight an army of villains to get there. For me, the most plausible Bonds are those where the world isn’t in peril. I could imagine FROM RUSSIA WITH LOVE and LICENCE TO KILL happening for real, since their plots are grounded in some semblance of reality – relatively speaking! No hyped-up world crises or apocalypses here. That, plus 007 lives more by his wits in these films rather than his gadgets contributes strongly to this. Well, I think so! I have never met him personally, but he has done films not far from our home in Virginia (before we retired to Florida) and people in our area did interact with him. They say he is very friendly and kind and outgoing.
I heard a couple of stories from people who met him. One was a cashier in a local restaurant where he and some of his crew were having lunch. He picked up the Official Larry bird graphic shirt and I will buy this check for everyone and when he got up to go pay, he noticed a jar sitting on the cashier’s counter with a picture of a local person who had been crippled in an accident and they were collecting funds to help with the hospital bills. Tom Cruise immediately went in his pocket and pulled out a wad of hundred dollar bills and stuffed them all into the jar. It turned out to be nearly 2000 dollars. He reportedly went on to give much more in the form of a check directly to the person.
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