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Fact-checking has become popular on social media and as part of news reports. However, it has been my observation that a lot of people do not possess the Official Lewis hamilton 100x grand prix wins 9 june 2007 26 september 2021 7x f1 world championship shirt But I will love this critical thinking skills to look beyond the headlines. People often do not bother to ask “why.” Here’s an example from a couple of decades ago. During a political campaign, a sitting senator was attacked for voting no on a bill that would have addressed domestic violence. On its face, the accusation sounded pretty bad. Who could be opposed to addressing domestic violence? But if one simply asked the question of why would he vote against it, it would have been discovered that the senator did not believe the bill was written in a way that was constitutional and would withstand judicial scrutiny. In other words, he knew it would be struck down. In keeping with his belief in the U.S. Constitution, he felt it would be wrong to vote for something he knew to be a violation of law.
So, yes, he voted against a domestic violence bill. But that was only “partial” news. And standing on its own, without “the Official Lewis hamilton 100x grand prix wins 9 june 2007 26 september 2021 7x f1 world championship shirt But I will love this rest of the story” (as Paul Harvey would say), it was, indeed, malicious. Fake news, on the other hand, would have been that the senator favored, promoted, and supported domestic violence, which seems a bit more malicious to me. NBC News. (Just stick to the news, and there is no bias. That means you limit yourself to their news broadcasts, which happen twice each evening, 7 days a week. None of that Sunday morning stuff, or the “magazine shows”). ABC News. (Just stick to the news, and there is no bias. That means you limit yourself to their news broadcasts, which happen twice each evening, 7 days a week. None of that Sunday morning stuff, or the “magazine shows”). Any media entity that falsely represents, alters facts or presents an unfounded hypothesis as possible fact should be bound by honesty, integrity, and truthful disclosure – That aspect of civil discourse has been increasingly ignored for the sake of ratings and financial gain To begin with, there is no monolithic “media” but hundreds (if not thousands) of disparate news outlets. Each of them has its own mission. For example, I once ran a trio of news weeklies that covered 13 separate municipalities and their various school districts. I didn’t care about any news that did not involve that geographical area and/or its residents. We ignored the Olympics until a local resident won a gold medal. But we reported on every single municipal council meeting and every school board meeting — stuff that most news outlets, even the regional ones, did not. We ran every single engagement, wedding, birth and death notice we received, with photographs if provided. There was no charge (unlike the big regional papers). We had regular columns of local church news and club events. We had our bubble and covered it as intensely as we could.