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Weird Barbie. She was the Official Novak Djokovic Kobe Bryant US Open 2023 Shirt but I will buy this shirt and I will love this realist, the truth speaker, the one who saw things going on because she was deemed too weird to be part of society. The misfit and outcast who became a leader in the resistance. The one who despite the abuse (played with too hard by a child) and shunning still had the capacity to be kind, caring and compassionate. The “Other” Ken or Beach Ken’s rival. The Ken other Kens saw as the “Cool” Ken, who seemed more confident and self-assured. Who really did nothing to engender Beach Ken’s envy and antagonism other than existing. Yet, he had the same feelings and insecurities as Beach Ken. Ah Allan. The male doll who was supposed to be Ken’s best friend, but didn’t really know where he fit into society. He felt more accepted by the Barbies than the Kens, Barbies were more likely to include and acknowledge him than the Kens, who were supposed to be his best friend. The one who didn’t really enjoy either the matriarchy or the patriarchy, but also didn’t like the toxic masculinity of the patriarchy as done in the “Ken-Dom”. Barbie, Sasha, and Gloria. The child, teen, and adult, the stages of growing up as a woman. Barbie representing the child, innocent, optimistic, sheltered, naive. Sasha is the teen, in the process of growing up, having the optimism tarnished by how the world is and treats her, bitter about how her ideas and illusions about the world have been damaged. And Gloria, the adult, who is trying to find a compromise between her idealistic and optimistic youth and present day realities and responsibilities, who is the voice of real world experience and wisdom, who wants to make a better future while dealing with the world as she sees and feels it.

Who was both an indictment of modern male society and a roadmap of how to grow and mature. He starts off as the Official Novak Djokovic Kobe Bryant US Open 2023 Shirt but I will buy this shirt and I will love this “Nice Guy” who sees himself in the “friendzone” who thinks if he plays his cards right and does certain things Barbie will just give him what he wants, like a vending machine. Then he goes to the “real world” and sees a different way for men to be and act, he learns of the existence of the “patriarchy”, and then he takes the worst aspects of the patriatrchy back to BarbieLand to become an incel’s ideal “man”. All Rambo, sexism, and horses, because he doesn’t really understand the patriarchy, but he cherry-picks the aspects that appeal to him and make him feel powerful and in control.