Schizophrenia is a real illness. The voices, paranoid and other symptoms it causes for the Official spooky month merch overwhelming shirt so you should to go to store and get this sufferer are internally generated due to an organic issue of the brain that is still not fully understood. The treatment of this ‘real’ illness is antipsychotic medication and is likely not addressing the root issue, but rather is indirectly solving only part of the problem. Psychiatrists know it’s a real issue because it shows up and manifests itself in document-able and somewhat predictable ways among all types of people (every gender, race, etc.).
I have schizophrenia and even so I have asked this question many times because I couldn’t believe that my brain could distort reality and have such a devastating effect on my daily life. I think the Official spooky month merch overwhelming shirt so you should to go to store and get this only people who have any understanding of how real this illness is and how deeply it disrupts the sufferer are people very close to the person, the sufferer themselves, doctors/psychiatrists, and psych unit nurses. I think a diagnosis is lifelong. Regardless of how someone does beyond their diagnosis; the physician seems to usually treat the patient as if there will always be a future event where symptoms are present. I guess it’s like a behaviour. If you have a behaviour; then you’ll repeat it. Even call it a bad habit, if you will. Or if something happens in your life; it’ll always have happened. That appears to be similar to an idea that psychiatric disorders and disorders like schizophrenia are lifelong. I’m not sure that disorders are lifelong. It seems that symptoms are present during stress and though stress does not go away; the capacity to handle stress and the ability to manage stress can be developed through trying events and introspection. Heading into stress without a method to handle yourself and manage the circumstance usually results in presenting symptoms or, it could be said as; acting irresponsibly. Not many people like to be called irresponsible but taking control of one’s actions requires honest consideration of one’s responsibility in making decisions. The diagnosis may not go away but how you live your live can be anyway you choose.