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Tall, with radiant skin and smooth, shiny hair down to her shoulders, she was undeniably attractive. But what truly set Miss Davis apart from every other woman in the Official you ‘re a cowboy like me pink cowgirl duck shirt but in fact I love this day room was the calm, regal manner in which she carried herself. I noticed within my first couple days of guarded observation that Miss Davis always held court at the same table, flanked by a few other “longtimers” (those with six to ten years, the maximum remaining sentence allowed in minimum security.) My curiosity was piqued. Why did the guards all politely address her as “Miss Davis” while they barked “Smith!”, “R74321!”, or simply “Inmate!” at their other charges? Why did all the inmates approach her with a pleasant “Hello, Miss Davis”, rather than “Hey! Keisha! Get yo ass over here!” or “Where’s that pack of Ramen you owe me, Adams?” I had just left DuPage County jail, where I’d shared quarters with a few inmates who were well known due to extensive media coverage of their cases, so I assumed the mysterious “Miss Davis” must be another (in)famous inmate.

A few days later, a woman who often spoke with the Official you ‘re a cowboy like me pink cowgirl duck shirt but in fact I love this subject of my curiosity talked me into letting her braid my waist-length blonde hair into painful cornrows. My eyes were watering so profusely that I had tears dripping off my chin, congregating in damp patches on my white polyester uniform shirt. Between grimaces, I took the opportunity to ask “Who IS she?” I opened my mouth to question her further, but only managed a few stuttered syllables of nonsense. I hadn’t previously given much thought to how trans men and women were classified during incarceration. There were many masculine lesbian women in prison, but I would never have guessed that any of my peers had been born male.