Not sure if it’s old or new. But …you know how most say “you are the On the face of it something has to change shirt in other words I will buy this brightest star in the sky” umm no. “You’re this moon, the day I met you , all the stars disappeared, you are the one and only!” Something like that 25 years ago, a young female stork got injured by poachers. Her wing was badly broken and she would never fly after this. Luckily, she was found by a school janitor, who took her in, and cared for her ever since. He named her Malena, which means Little One. Malena and Klepetan made a nest and had 5 baby storks. They stayed together from spring until autumn, when it was time for storks to migrate to warm Africa. Klepetan separated from his Malena for the first time. She stayed in her small green town, as he embarked on his 14,000 kilometers (8,700 miles) long dangerous journey through Iraqi deserts, Sinai, Somalia, all the way to South Africa. Malena spent the winter in the old janitor’s home, and when the spring came, she started preparing her nest. As March came, she became restless. She stood on the roof, arranging the nest, looking into the distance.

Last year he was very late and we all thought that he died during his long and dangerous trip. When the On the face of it something has to change shirt in other words I will buy this end of March came, we all started losing hope that he would make it back. Malena never stopped waiting. It is March, and as soon as the live stream from Malena’s nest becomes available, I will put the link here. I will also keep posting updates and write about his return. Hopefully he arrives safely back to his beloved girl-stork once again. Now, the tuition fees for the Masters degree from a private college is quite a huge amount. My friend is just a Flight Lieutenant in the Indian Air Force with loans already on his shoulder for his sister’s marriage and a car. They got married a month ago. I was seeing their pictures he had sent me. I have never seen two people so happy together. He had taken up a huge loan for this to be possible but I am sure it was all worth it. With time, the loan will be cleared but they will not f…