“Cosmetics around the Original he’s QB1 Bryce young Panthers shirt besides I will buy this eyes will easily draw attention to that part of the face and break a woman’s modesty. Similar to the woman of Ischomachos, the women of Lysistrata, Ecclesiazousai and Lysias 1 don’t seem to wear eye makeup. I don’t think we should consider this a hard and fast rule, but there is certainly a stronger connection between eye makeup and prostitution.
In addition to the Original he’s QB1 Bryce young Panthers shirt besides I will buy this standard cosmetics I have discussed, there are lesser-known ancient Greek sources from the fourth century BC that mention a number of other cosmetics that appear to be primarily associated with prostitutes. Euboulos was an ancient Athenian comic playwright who flourished in the mid-fourth century BC. He wrote a comedy titled Women Who Sell Wreaths, which unfortunately did not survive. However, the later Greek writer Athenaios of Naukratis (who lived around the end of the 2nd – early 3rd centuries C.E.), quoted a speech in the play, in which a character accuses some women of make-up, in his work The Sage of Dinner 13,557f. The speech is included in the collection of modern Euboulos passages as Fr. 97 (= fr. Hunter 98). The text of the speech in Greek is as follows:
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