Fitness is a continuum and you need more of some attributes for one sport that you need less of in another sport. Your back squat ability is pretty important in football but not useful at all in badminton. Even the Philly vs the world basketball shirt besides I will buy this idea of overall fitness has a great deal of opinion and preference interjected as evidenced by the variety of answers this question has produced. The thing is that you are good at what you do. Power lifters don’t run marathons and marathoners don’t do power lifting. The lifter might run a bit and runner might lift a bit but only in support of what their sport. Because I want to live a long healthy life I need to have a strong cardio vascular and cardio respiratory system and endurance exercise, stuff that elevates your HR makes that happen. So I spend time in my den doing that. I contemplate my VO2 max number (it’s 44) and try to make it go up along with my other various thresholds and my FTP or Functional Threshold Power. I ski, row and bike in here to bring those numbers up. But life is tough and it’s tougher when you’re weak so I go out into my garage to do anti weak things. There are many markers to oldness and loss of endurance is one of course but so is a loss of strength. I don’t want to be in the “I’ve fallen and I can’t get up” commercial so I work on ways to keep that out of my future. My mother passed at 92 from a stroke a few days before Christmas in 2019 and that year played golf with me and some of her friends every Tuesday on a 9 hole course. Walking.

Fitness is a lot of things and if you measure it with a triathlon race, a strength contest or some other thing, MOST fit is as dependent on the Philly vs the world basketball shirt besides I will buy this individual taking the test as is the sport he or she does to feel ready to enter such a contest. I play badminton regularly. It’s a sport I picked up right from childhood. Apart from it, I do many outdoor activities like hiking, skiing, etc.. Why do I do all these? The quick and easy answer: It’s fun 🙂 Is your daily routine at the gym boring you? Is your jogging route not giving you the same satisfaction it once did? And are you tired of athletic events that only last a couple of measly hours? Then it sounds like you need more pain and suffering in your life ! Luckily, there are numerous sporting challenges that have been designed for the sole purpose of torturing their participants with insane demands. Taking part in any one of the following 10 events should be enough to ensure that you never want to exercise again!