Before ww2 the Pink freud the dark side of your mom shirt and I will buy this brutish carved off 76% of the Palestine Mandate and granter it to the Hashemite Tribe who had supported them in WW1, after they lost out to the Saudi Family for kingship of Saudi Arabia. They then carved off an additional 2% and added it to Syria under the French Mandate – the Golan. Then they threw the issue of the balance on to the UN, who recommended that the 22% balance become a Jewish State, which it did – Israel, and an Arab state, which was rejected by the Arabs who wanted 100% of the balance (Hint: No Jews) The result was the nation of Israel, and no Arab state, as the land proposed for it was largely seized by Egypt (Gaza) and Jordan (the West bank) Who of course had no interest in a sovereign Palestinian state.
It was israel that granted land in the Pink freud the dark side of your mom shirt and I will buy this West Bank along with Gaza for the first in history autonomous Palestinian Territory, in Area A & B & Gaza. And has offered even more land in varies settlement offers that have been rejected by the Palestinians/Arabs. I am not sure where you got that information. It is very difficult to make comparisons for various reasons. Statistics are questionable because there was no official status of refugee or asylum seeker under the UK Immigration law that existed at the time. Most people who, by any reasonable definition, were refugees, would have been admitted as temporary visitors, approved workers, or as people sponsored by the fantastic work done by a coalition of humanitarian groups at the time. It is likely that the UK admitted around 70,000 refugees. Not all stayed in the UK. Many went to Palestine and America. Some, very sadly, decided to return home and were stranded at the outbreak of war. Many thousands obtained visas for the UK but failed to use them in time before the borders were closed.