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Ahab is undoubtedly a competent captain of a whaling ship, and it probably would have been pretty simple for him to hire a crew to go after some random whale and bring it back. He was pretty much hiring a crew to pretend to do just that. However, that certain white whale keeps eluding him, and no it did not end well for him. Kraven is in much the Poster luke combs boise id albertsons stadium may 20 2023 shirt in contrast I will get this same position. He can hunt down all sorts of prey, including most human prey. But Spiderman keeps winning. I mean, look at it from his perspective: he catches Spiderman and buries him alive, but that damn wall-crawler still gets out and defeats him! If he weren’t crazy before, he became crazy at that moment!

I don’t see anything here that is really a threat to Kong if you are talking about the Poster luke combs boise id albertsons stadium may 20 2023 shirt in contrast I will get this latest incarnation. Kong is a lone survivor living in the harshest land on the face of the planet. Also, Kong weighs more than 2 tons, which it states that he can do at most. Also, Kraven is not invulnerable, and he can receive damage from the king of hollow earth. Kong is not invincible, but like I said I see nothing here that is really a threat to Kong, sure he might receive some damage but not enough to kill him. Also, Kong is fearless and Kraven cant contain Kong, even Dr Andrews from the film even stated that NO ONE can keep the reigns on Kong.