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I’ve suffered several traumas. I began PE Therapy in January 2018. PE stands for prolonged exposure, meaning I’ve had to relive a trauma that happened when I was 8 years old over and over and over…until it no longer had such a devastating affect on me. My therapist and I discovered that my PTSD began at the Rich hill dick mountain 44 Pittsburgh steelers shirt In addition,I will do this time that earliest trauma occurred, when I was 8. Yes, I changed at that time. I no longer had trust in the people that were supposed to protect me. My innocence was lost and my outlook on the world changed. My perceptions of people and situations were forever distorted because of the trauma I suffered and the circumstances surrounding it.
Forward to 2015, an extraordinarily horrific trauma occurred in my life which mentally and emotionally crippled me. For almost 3 years I was unable to function, no longer able to do the Rich hill dick mountain 44 Pittsburgh steelers shirt In addition,I will do this everyday things and tasks a lot of people take for granted. Normal things such as making a phone call, visiting with others, making a Dr appointment, paying a bill became impossible. Even the thought of doing these things brought such debilitating anxiety, causing chest pain, ticks, and mental anguish I could not endure.