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Nbnpremium - Ricky Council IV Sec All Second Team shirt

I’ve been treated like this Ricky Council IV Sec All Second Team shirt and I love this my whole life and I’ve learned that it’s apart of life. You have to accept that not everyone will be nice to you and you may not do anything to deserve it bad treatment. We all know we don’t always get what we deserve. People get betrayed, lied to, used, even murdered every single day for no good reason. Please don’t take this wrong, but you’re no exception. Accept that its going to happen so when it does just think of it as your turn and shake it off. Get away from it. Refuse to let it rattle you.

People get jealous of you and hate you, they don’t feel too good about themselves so they bring you down to lift their spirits. Some people just enjoy bullying and laughing at the Ricky Council IV Sec All Second Team shirt and I love this expense of others. It’s a sick world out here. 100 plus people got murdered in cold blood in Paris. Did they deserve that? Obviously the people who did this don’t have a heart and they are not the only ones missing a vital organ. All I’m saying, if my point is scrabbled, is that you can’t care about the whys in these situations. You can’t let it get you down. You can’t let it make you feel bad about yourself, you can’t expect that by being a nice person you’ll always get treated accordingly. If so, you’ll always be left down. You’ll always be hurt and you’re allowing people who aren’t even worth it to dictate how you feel. Shake it off. You’re a good person, so this is why it hurts. You know it and you know you don’t deserve it and you don’t, but don’t feel you are the exception to the rules. Life isn’t fair, not everyone is kind. Expect to run into bad seeds and haters. The devil don’t like nice.

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