If any of our runners get caught wearing their “new” shoes, it’s a sin of a different kind. “Ooooooo,” I once heard a teammate coo to another guy wearing his brand new Nike race shoes. “Accidental Elites”. In other words, stupid enough to wear new shoes when going to a party or school or whatever is in bad shape. How stupid is that? New shoes were bought for show, not fashion at the Ryan blaney team penske lifestyle shirt so you should to go to store and get this time. Of course, the price is much lower, usually $35-$50. But it’s also a matter of respect for sport.
Today’s shoes are so technically advanced and made with such great materials that they often look like new after 330-500 miles. Hardly anyone wears them longer. When the Ryan blaney team penske lifestyle shirt so you should to go to store and get this soles of shoes are compressed or the heels are worn out, people give up or don’t use them for everyday wear. So it’s a little more forgiving these days. That said, the biomechanical problems of older shoes can still come into play. So wearing old shoes is a personal thing. If you wear them evenly, it’s fine to wear them. But never wear them casually when using them for training. It is a waste of a valuable investment.
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