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Nbnpremium - San Diego Ha-seong kim ha-seong king shirt

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In my case……………….waking from a six week coma to find my hearing destroyed, my uterus gone, my eyesight damaged, unable to walk and a body that looked like it has been through Dr Frankensteins anatomy school tipped me of. Wow okay here it goes I am still getting mental help for this and this will be my first time sharing this with a open audience I am a bit nervous but I know too that speaking about it is part of the San Diego Ha-seong kim ha-seong king shirt Apart from…,I will love this healing process . I am 45 and this took place when I was 18 years old fresh out of high-school and living in my 1st apt this tiny shit hole in the downtown part of my city but it was my shit hole and I was escaping abusive parents so a cardboard box would have made me happy. I had this wonderful group of girlfriend’s and we did everything together I am not going to use real names here but we had Tanya, Liz, Molly, Robin and myself and it was a typical weekend night and we had been partying hard for a good two days in a row at this point with no sleep and Robin’s boyfriend was over and suggested we go to his friend’s house who lived about 13 minutes away and for some dumb reason we said yes were heading out the door it was here divine intervention took place unbeknownst to me at the time but once outside we had just one too many to fit in any one car any of us had so it was here that Liz offered to drive her car and I said I would also go with Liz and we would follow a decision that possibly save both she and I that night . As we drove down the dark long country back roads to avoid being seen by cops or whatever we were singing to the music having a fun time honking at the other just being silly nobody was on that road for miles just our two cars and then it happened now it did so ,so incredibly fast the car in front was going too fast to make the bend in the road and overcorrected caused the wheels to lock and car flip finally ended up smashed against the tree which broke the cars tumble down. We could see something was forced through the windshield cause we saw it when it flew out but didn’t know what it was due to how dark so we of course stop and there we no cell phone’s yet and we are in the middle of nowhere so not a ton of cars passing I told Liz to stand on the road and flag down a car and to turn her highbeams on and point them towards the wreck as I approach the car from behind I was expecting to hear a bunch of scared kids lesson learned, unfortunately it was the worst things I think a human can see. When I got to the driver’s side he was awake and seemed okay few bumps but other than that he ended up being just fine and was taken to the hospital when we were discovered for treatment of shock. It was right here at this pivotal point in my life but what I saw that dark lonely night has to this day causes me lots of issues I have severe PTSD and knew my life the way I knew it was gone at that very moment the very moment I looked down in front of his car lay the head of Tanya with her eyes still wide open and this awful look on her face her head is what we saw fly out of the car windshield! I can hear the sound of gurgling coming from Robin who is pinned up to the tree but still in the car is making those sounds but she is out cold and with her side being against the tree and the driver in a state of shock rocking back and forth I had to crawl over him to get to her and I could only think to wrap her hair around my wrist as I could hold her head up and tilted back I had no first aid experience at all but I wanted to at least try to help her rated let her drown choking on her own blood and yelling for Liz to flag down a car and to not come back there we both didn’t need the shock and a lifetime of ptsd it was here I went into shock as well. It took 45 minutes to finally flag down a car who called 911 and tried to help us poor couple they were older in their 70’s and I am sure have passed on by now but I sure wish I could I could see them and thank them for helping us that night. Robin was in the I.C.U unit of our local trauma hospital where she stayed for a good three weeks before sending her to a different floor I found out a few days later I most likely helped save helped save her life I have night terrors to this day on a weekly basis playing the accident over and over and it totally changed my life even put me into a deep depression I tried to kill myself when I was 25 by slitting my wrist so deep I needed 74 stitches and staples to sew me back together. I couldn’t stand my life was taken over by this awful event I found a new shrink and have made full circle getting better and better as time goes on

Trauma affects the San Diego Ha-seong kim ha-seong king shirt Apart from…,I will love this subconscious much more than it affects our conscious thinking processes. It trains us to be sensitive to anything that even remotely reminds us of the things that happened leading up to the trauma. This training happens in a way that seems beyond conscious control — so, automatically. It’s probably a feature of our brains that has evolved. It would seem to be important to be highly sensitive to the signs of impending trauma. Trauma is a kind of learning experience that the brain apparently pays a lot of attention to. So the brain automatically remembers a lot about what led to the trauma and it holds onto these memories much more tenaciously than it does to other kinds of memories. That’s because trauma can threaten survival more than anything else, and so, of course, the brain would evolve to remember it more than any other experience. People who don’t learn to pay attention to the signs of impending trauma probably don’t survive to reproduce nearly as often.



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