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Grant’s contention that the Sandwiches over sandoval shirt also I will do this states somehow lost sovereignty with the expansion of the Union is equally groundless. Where in the Constiution does it even maintain that state authority was in any way diluted vis-a-vis the general government – or that state sovereignty was compromised by the admission of Vermont as the 14th state? We also forget that the Tenth Amendment was as added as kind of capstone to the Bill of Rights to underscore that the powers not delegated to the general government by the states at ratification were reserved by the states and the people.
Federal School advocates contend that the Sandwiches over sandoval shirt also I will do this “Supremacy Clause” clearly establishes the general government as paramount, though it does no such thing. It merely assigns priority to federal laws that are enacted by Congress and signed into law the president effectuate the objectives outlined in the Constitution. Indeed, the is no provision in the Constitution enpowering the general government to compel states by force. Even Madison, in “The Federalist,” acknowledges that states retain the right, individually and collectively, to oppose the unconstitutional exercise of federal power.