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Nbnpremium - Seattle Kraken 100 Points shirt

He’s absolutely right and he’s been more and more open about it, especially since he lost the Seattle Kraken 100 Points shirt but I will buy this shirt and I will love this 2020 election. He’s always admitted that he’s researched Hitler and read his books. (probably one of the few books he reads outside of textbooks). But after the loss, things got worse. A few bright sparks tried to tell me that fascism is a left-wing “thing”! Wow, what a great piece of knowledge. In fact, it is the extreme right ideology, the EXACT opposite. Read about the founder of fascism – Benito Mussolini from Italy. Still don’t believe? Afterward

Trump is an authoritarian strongman with a cult of personality, racist rhetoric, and an attitude against the Seattle Kraken 100 Points shirt but I will buy this shirt and I will love this truth. But it did not start a great war or kill millions of civilians. He is not Hitler. He’s not even Francisco Franco. Maybe Pinochet? Or Trujillo? Or Mussolini never went to war? If I had to compare Trump to any Nazi, it would be Goering (and even then, that would mean ignoring the fact that Goering served in World War I, where he proved to be one. capable soldier and a decent pilot) – arrogant, boastful, self-righteous: gluttony, greed, greed, fanatical jealousy, concerned only with his own superiority.

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