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It is easy to see why the Son of victim maria del carmen lopez maria del carmen lopez justicia para carmen shirt in addition I really love this South sought independence from a regime that scoffed at abiding by the Constitution. A regime that used a pretense of pity for the slave to maintain political and economic control of the country. What is a ‘sovereignty’ in the political sense of the term? Would it be far wrong to define it a ‘political community without a political superior?’ Tested by this, no one of our States, except Texas, ever was a sovereignty. In the year 1861, when Lincoln made this statement, it may or may not have been historically accurate. Of the thirty-four states that comprised the Republic at the time, only Texas and Vermont had ever claimed to be independent countries. Was Lincoln’s claim that no state except Texas had ever been a sovereignty historically accurate? Maybe. It depends on whether you recognize Vermont’s independence from 1777–1791. Of course, Lincoln himself could hardly say that Vermont had been an independent state between 1777-1791 when the US government’s official position was that Vermont was not an independent state during that period.

I’ve never conducted a poll and I have no idea what proportion of Americans are on Team Ethan Allan (Vermont sovereignty) and what proportion of Americans are on Team Continental Congress (no Vermont sovereignty). I suspect the Son of victim maria del carmen lopez maria del carmen lopez justicia para carmen shirt in addition I really love this truth is that relatively few Americans, other than Vermonters, are aware that there was a 20-year period when Vermont claimed to be an independent country. The Republic of Texas, we know about. Texas is proud of its heritage as an independent country and its current state flag is identical to the national flag of the former country. But Vermont, not so much.