To the Star Wars Episode 1 The phantom Menace shirt it is in the first place but extent that this disclaimer gets stuck on one of my law answers—then I incorporate the standard Quora disclaimer and state as follows that this answer is NOT intended to be legal advice to anyone. Get your own lawyer, I will not be held responsible for use of my internet answers as legal advice by any person with whom I do not have a written agreement for legal representation. Legal rights often have very sensitive time limitations—if you haven’t already, go find a real lawyer ASAP before it is too late.
On their off times which is normally Monday mornings, they wear normal clothing that is standard to the Star Wars Episode 1 The phantom Menace shirt it is in the first place but BYU student code. No sleeveless shirt kind of stuff. Both sisters and Elders have to stay with one another during their off time. They are actually forbidden from accepting money from anyone. On multiple occasions, when I was a missionary, I had people practically throwing money at me, and I had to tell them that I couldn’t accept it. Missionaries are self-funded. The Church does not pay them. To go on their missions, either they have to save up money to go or they have to get people close to them to contribute to their mission funds. Personally, I wear a white shirt and tie to church on Sundays. This afternoon I wore a stained, faded purple, t-shirt to work in the yard. Last Saturday I wore a blue tropical print shirt to run errands. Tomorrow I’ll probably wear whatever worn-out shirt is next in rotation to work in my front yard.