You’ll see herds of buffalo and elk for sure, and maybe a bull moose, pronghorn antelope or bald eagle. I’ve seen black bear a few times, and a sow grizzly with cubs. I’ve never seen a wolf at Yellowstone, and the Stephen curry eat learn play shirt moreover I love this only coyotes I’ve seen there had radio collars on them (that kind of spoiled it for me if you know what I mean). Summer is my favorite time to visit, but the park is open year-round. I’ve been through there ten or twelve times, entering from West Yellowstone and exiting north through Gardiner, northeast through Cooke City or east toward Cody, depending on where I’m heading. I’ve never taken the south entrance from Jackson, so I can’t tell you about that. The north entrance is open to cars year round.
The Beartooth Highway (US 212) is one of the Stephen curry eat learn play shirt moreover I love this prettiest drives in North America during daylight hours. At night it’s a whiteknuckle drive with switchbacks and steep grades. It’s fun if you’re driving a stickshift. But if you’re driving an automatic, you’ll ride your brakes all the way down to Red Lodge. Afterwards, we wandered around a large area I would describe as a wasteland, in the best sense of the word. It was board-walked and contained dozens of hot springs and pools, all given unique names. Hours could be spent here. We even tagged along with a guided tour for a while. It was amazing to have so many geological wonders in one spot!