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I’m willing to share everything I know about the Supermegamart supermega 420 merch ufo shirt but in fact I love this one I lived with and known for 32 years and it’s really scary! I’m sure I’ll be leaving things out because there’s just so many of them and it’s totally unbelievable that a person you’ve known that long has turned into this other person when in reality they always were that person that you married know now, you just didn’t know that, and it still creeps me out!! Because this person I thought he turned into but it just always was him I would have never even looked at let alone hung around with and I did meet them I would have thought they were totally disgusting I cannot believe I’m married something like that I still can’t! Therapy!! I am definitely going to need a lot of therapy now and I don’t think that I’m really ever going to heal from this, but I don’t need therapy for the same reason the narcissist I married does, because he’s a very sadistic, mean, evil, hurtful, and hateful person with a whole lot of major issues!!!! And everything he feels inside is all directed and always was at me, no one else, just me, and it made him very dangerous towards me! First of all everything they do and everything they say you can set a clock to because it’s a routine and it’s always all the same the same words, the same everything every single day it’s like stuck on sick or stuck on moron, over and over and over and over all the time every day, there a nightmare awake, you don’t have to have a nightmare and be asleep trust me just live with one the ones you have on your sleep you get to wake up and it’s over with living with a narcissistic person it’s never over and it gets worse!! First of all an abitual liar is nothing compared to a narcissistic person, every time their mouth open it’s a lie whether it’s a lie about you, it’s always just a lie all the time about anything and everything! And they hide everything everything and anything for money to stupid things to extremely important things, they lie about what they pay on the bills, they lie about where they went, where they’ve been, and they play with words constantly, they switch things constantly, they’re never going to admit to anything and it’s going to be your fault no matter what it is no matter who did it’s your fault it happened! They will look at you and say something and they barely have time to get out of their mouth before they’re saying they didn’t say that, only you stood right there in front of him and heard him say it but they’re not going to say that they think if they say that they just didn’t say it, it makes it true, but see in reality they just don’t give a s*** anyway if they’re caught!! They actually think it’s funny! And they always say you say things that you didn’t, they say that you said something in a certain way that you didn’t, that’s just a justify what they’ve said and done, they pick a fight turn it all around so they can blame you so they can justify what they’re going to do like take off and leave, then they say the sickest things like, I didn’t want to hear your mouth, I can’t take it no more, you know the pity party thing they do that all the time too! Tell you you’re the abuser you abuse them they can’t stand anymore, to the point you want to rip their head off, and they know it’s the opposite they know that they’re the one doing it obviously things like that are not a accident they’re said and done on purpose, different kinds of narcissistic disorder, mine was very sadistic, mean hurtful and actually high fight himself thought he was really cool while he was saying it he’d laugh about his own abuse I mean past disgusting!! We made fun of my medical issues by cancer my heart heart failure then he would play the victim the poor guy he has to be sicker he has to have all the attention doesn’t matter what’s wrong with you he’s worse!! And don’t expect them to ever take care of you if you get sick that’s not going to happen, at all, it’s the opposite!! And their emotional abuse, neglect the silent treatment, the manipulation the threats, are unbelievable! And it’s Non-Stop!! They throw you under the bus every chance they get they talk behind your back they tell everybody what an awful awful person you are at their workplace what a bad wife you are that you’re crazy they don’t know what they’re going to do with you and then to make theirself look like the good guy, the good husband, they’ll say oh, but it’s not her fault you know blah, blah, blah, because it makes them look like there’s such the nice forgiving spouse, when reality, Opposite!! Most of them are drug addicts into p*** usually both, some will actually cheat soon are just two chicken to do that because they’re so insecure, they’re all babies their little babies in a big body and they’re so pathetic and insecure it’s unbelievable that’s why they have to try to play such a big shot when they’re home, behind closed doors and those are the worst kind, behind closed doors that’s what mine was, pathetic! They’re jealous of everything you are and everything you do, they throw major baby narc fits, throw tantrums, scream and yell like a banshee, break your s***, throw things at you, get in your face like they’re the badass and they don’t just tell you what to do they will dictate to you and it’s threatening kind of voice! They will do things to try to convince you that you’re crazy or senile like a lot they’ll do that! Then comes dead there’s something wrong with your brain there’s something wrong with your head you’re nuts you need help, when the whole freaking time they’re crazy as a loon but know exactly what they’re doing!! Of course the verbal abuse you’re stupid you’re crazy you’re nuts, nobody likes you, that’s why you don’t see your kids, they’ll use and say anything whatever they can grasp at and don’t ever tell them a secret, don’t ever tell them anything about you especially if it’s something bad that happened to you, or bad experience, because they will use that against you in a heartbeat, always!! And they only do things for you if there’s something in it for them or that quick they can throw it in your face, narcissistic people are not ever nice especially to their targets or their supplies that’s not in the rule book for them it’s to make their life miserable and tear it down not make them happy in any way shape or form!! I could go on and on I really could but you know I’ve already done that so, I think you get the picture! I am telling you this if you live with one you’re living with the demon child, you are living with the devil’s kid,😩👺😇😡 because they’re just plain evil!!!😱☠️😢😵🥺😭👎