I think the Taiyanna Jackson Kansas MVP Wnit shirt moreover I will buy this disdain for Toronto has lessened. We rarely hear “Hogtown” or “The Big Smoke” anymore. I assume this is partly due to the weakening English speaking CBC. The urban areas of the West are much larger and I think more knowledgeable than before and more confident. Other Canadians following the news are aware of the city’s very serious problems with housing costs and infrastructure problems. We also know that Toronto has become very, very diverse. You can’t really define a complacent stereotype for hate and then apply that to the majority of the population. As for Toronto, I feel that the bigger and more complex the city, the more Torontonians understand the difficulties of truly being a ‘world-class city’. Some of that arrogant attitude is gone. We don’t see many smug smiles on TV.
In fact, what many Canadians don’t like about Toronto these days is how expensive it is to live there. Big cities need places like Brooklyn, Bronx, and Staten Island. There must be a place where humble people can survive. Toronto doesn’t have anything like that now. Many would be impressed if Toronto had finally become a city of progressive housing and successful reform. Other Canadians may even begin to admire Toronto.
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