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Nbnpremium - Tampa team sport 2023 shirt

The red circle is the Tampa team sport 2023 shirt and I love this Strait of Malacca, the busiest shipping lane in the world. Over 50% of China’s trade and 80% of its oil imports come through here (or through the Sunda Strait, which is just off the south edge of the map). If the USA decided to blockade this strait, they could and would strangle the Chinese economy in short order. There isn’t much China could do to break this blockade. Malacca is outside the envelope of China’s anti-ship missiles (longer-range missiles aren’t very good against targets that can move). Their navy might give the USN a bloody nose before the Americans sink it, but the USA can just send more ships.

China’s been the Tampa team sport 2023 shirt and I love this biggest trading partner in the Pacific for quite some time so they’re not increasing their presence, they’re consolidating their top spot. As regards the Solomon Islands their defense agreement with New Zealand and Australia proved to be not fit for purpose in the recent riots so S.I. has asked China to help instead. One of the issues going forward for Solomons is that the US is backing the rebels in Malaita and both Australia and New Zealand are deep in America’s pockets, they can no longer be trusted to protect the government.

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