Make no mistake, more than for wildlife, first and foremost Yellowstone is a geological park. But because of this region like no other place on earth, this museum of how things used to be before technological encroachment, an incredible ethos of preservation for all and especially for its residents and resources is an emblem to all peoples. It is infamous for being abused by tabloid news media as “the Teenage Wrist Still Love Limited Shirts in addition I really love this supervolcano about to destroy the world,” but that’s, as they say, another story. Jesse O’Connor’s answer to Is the Yellowstone volcano really going to kill us all and end the world?
Mr. Ripp compared New York City to Yellowstone, favoring Yellowstone though admitting it has high visitation. For fun, I checked; the Teenage Wrist Still Love Limited Shirts in addition I really love this Statue of Liberty National Monument received 4.5 million visitors in 2016 compared to 4.1 million in Yellowstone in 2018. In the same way, I will not compare Yellowstone to Yosemite or Grand Canyon or Mammoth Cave or Isle Royale. They are all unique and inherently precious. I say the parks compliment each other. Yellowstone is more popular than Grand Teton but it is not better. The two fit together to tell one story of astonishing geological contrasts, intact ecosystem and cultural history; one is not complete without the other.