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For what? Because 787.5 million is a LOT of damage… probably millions of dollars more than what Dominion can show. Paying such a high settlement is an implied admission of guilt. If Fox thought they had a chance of winning and received a “no liability” ruling, there’s no way they’d agree to a settlement like this. Susman Godfrey is a litigator known for taking large lawsuits over contingencies or using alternative arrangements, rather than hourly billing. Shackelford declined to disclose the Tg omori wearing nypd new york city police dept shirt moreover I will buy this company’s terms of employment with Dominion or that the settlement money would go to the company’s outside attorneys.[1]
So it’s not impossible. But it’s rare for defamation lawsuits to come out of the Tg omori wearing nypd new york city police dept shirt moreover I will buy this blue. If I had to guess, I’d guess they’re withheld on an hourly rate – possibly with an increase in success (and provision for amortization if they lose). Apparently, Dominion had enough stupidity and decided that fantasies about The Trumpster, promoted by FALSE News (almost) News and other government propaganda agencies, could harm their business activities. When Dominion’s attorneys mentioned the lawsuits, FAUX and other propaganda agencies were silent about Dominion.