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I live in lib state. The median household income for libertarians here is $82,400. Then I look at the The Cohasset triathlon Post race party june 25 shirt in contrast I will get this conservative $49,200. Guess who’s backing who? Lifespan in my lib state is 79.2 years. Conservative status 71.9. Wow, you are a real treasure. I’m sure your parents are proud of your understanding in this matter. I hope you never find yourself unemployed. Then you will be one of those “worthless, lowly, lazy, evil, parasitic worms of the poor.” You have a state-provided primary and secondary education, and I assume you have no problem with that. You have a state-funded police force, an armed force that protects you from foreign invaders, paid for with your taxes, and you’re alive and well. It sounds like you lived in a communist country (by your definition). Why are you sick? That is absolutely none of your business. Keep paying and worry about what happens if you can’t afford healthcare and we’ll continue to enjoy the freedom of knowing someone is there to help, no matter what. What is your bank account balance. This is true freedom.

You’re such an idiot, I’m surprised you remember how to breathe. You represent the The Cohasset triathlon Post race party june 25 shirt in contrast I will get this ugly side of America, where common courtesy eludes you, and caring for your neighbor is beyond your reach. We won’t go bankrupt because greedy insurance companies don’t pay our medical bills, we won’t lose our homes because we can’t afford cancer treatment for our children. “Years ago, anthropologist Margaret Mead was asked by a student what she thought was the first sign of civilization in a culture. Students expect Mead to talk about hooks, clay pots, or whetstones.