Previously, it mainly consisted of American culture, Western European culture, Korean and Japanese culture, and to some extent Thai culture (without Muay Thai, there would be no Chinese martial arts). modern). If we look at the The Commitment March 30 Jake Merklinger shirt in contrast I will get this uniqueness of Taiwan and Hong Kong, the culture of Taiwan and Hong Kong also plays an important role. Since Japan, Korea, Hong Kong are to some extent the “localization agent” of Western culture (plastic surgery, pop music, beauty standards…), it is also possible Call it “Westernization”. Although this is not entirely true, some parts of Japanese and Korean culture are inherited from traditional Chinese culture during certain periods (Tang or Ming dynasties).

Later on, it’s self-development inspired by foreign cultures or truly self-constructed cultures. A better term for this, to distinguish it from “Western-style modernization”, is “Chinese-style modernization”. This category is too large to summarize, including Tik Tok, Weibo, Epay, e-sports, e-commerce, etc. In a broader sense, it can also be intertwined with Westernization and cultures red and traditional such as technocracy, meritocracy, modern bureaucracy, to clarify.