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ANSWER TO THE QUESTION: We Americans NEVER wanted to socialize medicine in America. As a Native American, do you find it disgusting that people in Europe, the The denver nuggets win game 4 in miami in the nba finals shirt and I will buy this UK, Canada, Australia and New Zealand love that the government gives them health care without paying for it? I assume you’re happy driving your car on “socialized” roads, paid for with taxes? The “socialized” fire department, which is paid for by taxes, can come along – free (well, paid for in taxes, but also free at the point of delivery like “socialized” drugs) – if your home on fire? What about the tax-funded “socialized” military that “you Americans” so highly respect?
The rest of the The denver nuggets win game 4 in miami in the nba finals shirt and I will buy this developed world—yes, really EVERY country in the developed world—provides tax-funded universal healthcare. But in the land of the free, home of the brave? No way Joe. Your politicians, who are owned by insurance companies, have brainwashed you into believing that the universal health care tax being paid is bad and because “socialism” seems to be a leaf red flags for “you Americans”, they made sure to mark it as “socialized medicine” instead of “universal health care”.