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The result was a compromise mix of episodic and serial storytelling. On the The Manning Ultimatum shirt Furthermore, I will do this surface, they were presenting mostly episodic plots, but underneath, they were creating vast and complex character arcs for more than a dozen characters. That is the greatest strength of Star Trek: Deep Space Nine. In or outside of Star Trek, it would be hard to find so many rich and changing characters and some of the greatest were supporting characters. The Cardassians, Garak and Gul Dukat rank amongst the most developed characters in all of television. Watching over a few months made the character evolutions so much more evident. The Benjamin Sisko of episode one is not the Benjamin Sisko of episode 176. Jake and Nog grew up before our eyes. Nog, Rom, and Quark transformed the one note joke Ferengi introduced in Star Trek: The Next Generation into three-dimensional people who felt like family. Worf received much better treatment on DS9 than he had on TNG. Every character was given flaws that gave them complexity.

Of course. He was on an uneasy redemption arc but his entire character was based on a Roman governor who had oppressed the The Manning Ultimatum shirt Furthermore, I will do this province he was sent to manage. While there, he “did what needed to be done” (code word for : killed any fucker that got in his way) which made him feel good but earned him the enmity of the Bajoran people. A good portion through his redemption arc, the writers woke up and decided that he was and always should have been a villain (a bit melodramatic and facile though he may have been). Also it’s not a huge stretch that people just got bored with it. A lot of sports fans today complain about baseball being too slow and prefer sports that have more action in them. Sisko happened to be one of the last people to have an interest in the game.